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Category: Our Books

Gardening with Wally Richards
  Price per book is $25.00 you can order on its own or extra copies for friends and relations. Every book autographed with personal message for receiver.


Wally's Glasshouse Gardening for New Zealand
A 108 page booklet all about how to garden in a glasshouse or similar such as a tunnel house. Each book is autographed by the author. This is an ORDER ONLY site ensure you supply your phone number and we will contact you in regards to either credit card details or for our bank details to send payment to.  


Cholesterol Control (Free with products)
Cholesterol Control (How I Beat Cholesterol Naturally)   Plus other Health aspects. I have a lot of copies of this book which is still applicable to a certain extent as regards to its contents. If you are ordering any other products I will supply this book free with the other poroducts. Regards Wally Richards  


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