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Category: Soil Pathogen suppresion

Soil Pathogen Suppression Kit
This kit includes 250ml of Terracin 250ml of Mycorrcin and 1x 1 ml measuring Transfer Pipets.


Wallys Terracin Soil Biocide 250ml

To use Terracin either mix 20ml into 1 litre of non-chlorinated water and spray over 10SqM.

Alternative is mix 2ml of Terracin into 1 litre of non-chlorinated water and water over 1 SqM of soil.

3 weeks later drench with Mycorrcin.



Mycorrcin 250 mls
Mycorrcin 250 mls Used at 5 ml per litre as spray and at 1 ml per litre as soil drench. May incur shipping costs dependant on order. We will phone you after you submit your order to advise you of the freight cost (if any) and arrange payment. Please ensure you provide a phone number and if you have ordered previously.


Wally's Thatch Busta 500ml
Wallys Thatch Busta 500 mls We will phone you after you submit your order to advise you of the freight cost (if any) and arrange payment. Please ensure you provide a phone number and if you have ordered previously.


Wally's Tap Housing and Filter (Removes Chlorine & most Chemicals)
Simple to conect to outside tap using 2 snap on hose appliance fittings.   The unit, housing and filter unit has free shipping in NZ on their own. We will phone you after you submit your order to advise you of the freight cost (if any) and arrange payment. Please ensure you provide a phone number and say if you have ordered previously.


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