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Category: Plant Nutrition

Wally's Super Liquid Fish Fertiliser Plus 1 litre
Now with New Label calling it Wallys Super Fish Fertiliser...
Same stuff in container....
 Biological Liquid Fish Fertiliser


Wally's Liquid Plant Food 1 litre

Wallys Plant Food can be used as a complete hydroponic food or as a top rate plant food.

Used at 10 mls per litre of water.

Shipping charges maybe incurred dependent on total order.

We will phone you after you submit your order to advise you of the freight cost (if any) and arrange payment. Please ensure you provide a phone number and say if you have ordered previously.


Wally's Secret Tomato Food 750g
This is the straight tomato food without the Neem Tree Granules.


Wally's Secret Tomato Food w/ Neem Granules 750g
A special tomato food that feeds and helps protect your plants from pests. Can be used on other plants such as cucumber, capsicum, egg plants, pumpkin, zucchini and roses.     Please ensure you provide a phone number and if you have ordered previously.


Wally's Tomato Food w/ Neem Granules 2kg
A special tomato food that feeds and helps protect your plants from pests. Can be used on other plants such as cucumber, capsicum, egg plants, pumpkin, zucchini and roses. We will phone you after you submit your order to advise you of the freight cost (if any) and arrange payment. Please ensure you provide a phone number and if you have ordered previously.


Neem Tree Powder 1kg

(Crushed Kernels of the Neem Tree)

one Kilo


Neem Tree Powder 10kg
  Ideal sprinkled under citrus trees to clean up insect pest problems. Ideal for soil conditioning and can deter some insects in the soil and on some plants.   Place a small amount of Neem Tree Powder in planting hole and sprinkle some on soil surface. Repeat soil surface application about every 6 to 8 weeks.  


Neem Tree Powder 20kg
Wallys Neem Tree Powder is ideal for soil conditioning and can deter some insects in the soil and on some plants. Used in conjunction with a drench of Neem Tree oil will aid in the control of soil insects etc.  


Epsom Salts, Magnesium Sulphate 2 kilos
Used for keeping foliage of plants nice and green. Apply a small amount monthly. Ideal as a relaxing bath salt.


EPSOM SALTS Magnesium Sulphate 5 kg
Used for keeping foliage of plants nice and green. Apply a small amount monthly. Ideal citrus trees and similar. Note it takes about 3 months for yellow foliage to become green again. Ideal as a relaxing bath salt.


EPSOM SALTS Magnesium Sulphate 10 kg
Used for keeping foliage of plants nice and green. Apply a small amount monthly. Ideal citrus trees and similar. Note it takes about 3 months for yellow foliage to become green again. Ideal as a relaxing bath salt.


EPSOM SALTS Magnesium Sulphate 25 Kilos
Used for keeping foliage of plants nice and green. Apply a small amount monthly. Ideal citrus trees and similar. Note it takes about 3 months for yellow foliage to become green again. Ideal as a relaxing bath salt.


Magic Botanic Liquid (MBL) 500ml
Magic Botanic Liquid 500 mls Freight maybe charged dependant on order. We will phone you after you submit your order to advise you of the freight cost (if any) and arrange payment. Please ensure you provide a phone number and if you have ordered previously.  


Magic Botanic Liquid 1 litre
Magic Botanic Liquid 1 litre. Shipping charges may apply dependent on order. We will phone you after you submit your order to advise you of the freight cost (if any) and arrange payment. Please ensure you provide a phone number and if you have ordered previously.


MBL ( Humate and Fulvic acid ) is a growth booster for plants, it makes for much bigger root systems, stronger and healthier plants. It is been used with balanced NPK fertilisers to create world record vegetables.


Magic Botanic Liquid 20litres
Please ensure you provide a phone number and if you have ordered previously.


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