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Hydrogen Peroxcide 3% in Trigger Spray Bottle 1 litre

Screenshot 2024 07 26 At 10.46.32 Am

Hydrogen Peroxcide 3% in Trigger Spray Bottle 1 litre


  1 Litre Trigger sprayer with 3% Hydrogen Peroxide for garden use only.    

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Screenshot 2024 07 26 At 10.46.32 Am

1 Litre Trigger sprayer with 3% Hydrogen Peroxide for garden use only.

Product used to have  Magic Botanic Liquid Added to also enhance plant growth hence the not clear color of liquid in photo.

We found the combination of MBL and Hydrogen Peroxide was not stable so now it is only 3% Hydrogen Peroxide

Helps control or deter insect pests.

Helps control, fungus diseases.


Kills eggs of pest insecxts such as white butterfly eggs.

A spray every 2-3 days is ideal for control or once a week or 2 weekly as a preventive.

I see on the Internet that the 3% should be further reduced with water such as 1:1 so if using 3% strength it would pay to do a test spray on a small area of foliage on each type of plant and see if there was any adverse reactions before using at 3% over whole crop or plant.

Ideal this time of the year to reduce pest number going into the winter.

I see the best use is in glasshouses where the product does not get washed away with rain.

Use out doors over and under foliage and you may need to reapply after rain.

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