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Wallys Super Compost Accelerator 600g

7190112c 02cb 4d98 9fc2 81308a2b2c6d 1 105 C

Wallys Super Compost Accelerator 600g


7190112c 02cb 4d98 9fc2 81308a2b2c6d 1 105 C Aids in the breakdown of compost, woody material and tree stumps. Scoop supplied filled level is approx. 40 grams. Dissolve one scoop into 1 litre of water and spray generously over compost. Use a Trigger sprayer for this use.  You can Store madeup solution in dark place, shake well before reusing. Do not use this sprayer for other uses. As more compost is added spray each layer for fastest break down. Leaf fall in autumn can be sprayed also to speed up breakdown. Only spray fallen leaves as it can harm grass and other plants if sprayed. If there is woody material in compost increase the amount of  product per litre of spray.

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7190112c 02cb 4d98 9fc2 81308a2b2c6d 1 105 C


Ammonium Sulphamate 600 grams


Aids in the breakdown of compost, woody material and tree stumps.

Scoop supplied filled level is approx. 40 grams.

Dissolve one scoop into 1 litre of water and spray generously over compost.

DO NOT SPRAY OVER LIVE PLANTS AND IT WILL HARM AND POSSIBLY DESTROY THE PLANTS (But good to do to unwanted plants commonly called weeds which it will compost them where they are growing. To do this 5 scoops per litre of water spray on sunny day when soil is dry.

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