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Stump Rotter 500g
Stump Rotter helps to speed up the break down of dead tree stumps. You drill holes in the stump and pour the product down the holes and leave as is. The nitrogen helps the breakdown of the wood. Also know as Salte Petre.  

Can be use as part of a food for cucumbers, pumpkins etc.


Wally's Calcium Hydroxide 1kg
Calcium hydroxide is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula Ca(OH)2. It is a colorless crystal or white powder and is produced when quicklime is mixed or slaked with water. It has many names including hydrated lime, caustic lime, builders' lime, slaked lime, cal, and pickling lime.


Wally's Tap Housing and Filter (Removes Chlorine & most Chemicals)
Simple to conect to outside tap using 2 snap on hose appliance fittings.   The unit, housing and filter unit has free shipping in NZ on their own. We will phone you after you submit your order to advise you of the freight cost (if any) and arrange payment. Please ensure you provide a phone number and say if you have ordered previously.


Wally's Tap Filter Replacement (Chlorine)
Spare Filter for Tap Housing. May incur shipping costs dependent on order. We will phone you after you submit your order to advise you of the freight cost (if any) and arrange payment. Please ensure you provide a phone number and say if you have ordered previously.


Wallys Silicon plus Boron Soil Drench 500 mls
Prior to planting we drench the soil with Wallys Silicon plus Boron Soil Drench used at 10ml per litre to cover one SqM. Then about 1-2 weeks after planting when say a tomato is starting to show new growth a further drench is applied to the root zone.  


Karbyon (Sooty Mold Remover) 500g
Karbyon 500 grams used for removing black sooty mould from trees and plants.   See More information below:


For those that prefer to buy in bulk. CURRENTLY OUT OF STOCK Free shipping to North and South Island rural we charge $3.15 No shipping to Waiheke or any other off shore islands. Picture shows our 2Kg jar the product you would receive is in its original imported 25kg bag.


Wallys Moss & Liverwort Control 500mils
For Moss & Liverwort use at the rate of 25 to 50 mls per litre of water. For Lichen & Algae use at 10 to 20 mls per Litre of Water. If spraying over plants rinse off with a hose 30 minutes after application. Some mosses etc may need further treatments. The best results are obtained by adjusting your sprayer’s nozzle to a bit of a jet rather than a mist. A jet forces the product into the target bryophyte where it is absorbed and similar to Roundup kills the whole bryophyte. Unlike Sulphate of Iron used for moss control which only burns off the top of the moss and it returns fairly quickly and requires often several treatments. From my own experience with the chemical, when used correctly on moss etc more often than not there is no further problems in the treated area for some months and sometimes a year or more. It depends on how long it takes for fresh spores to colonize the area. Can be used to clean up fish ponds as long as fish removed before treating and pond aerated after treatment before returning a test fish. DISCLAIMER Garden Enterprises & Information Ltd makes no warranty, representation, or quarantee regarding the information contained herein or the suitability of its products and services for any particular purpose, nor does Garden Enterprises & Information Ltd assume any liability whatsoever arising out of the application or use of any product. The products sold hereunder and any other products sold by Garden Enterprises & Information Ltd have been subject to limited testing and should be used with all due caution and trial testing by purchaser.


Wallys Sprayable Sulphur 500g
Dissolve 5 level spoons (supplied) into 2 litres of water  

Can be used with Raingard to prevent washing off for up to 14 days.

Can also be combined with Wallys Liquid Copper and potassium permanganate.

When combining the above dissolve the sulphur powder in the water first then add to potassium permanganate, copper and Raingard.



Wallys Super Compost Accelerator 600g
7190112c 02cb 4d98 9fc2 81308a2b2c6d 1 105 C Aids in the breakdown of compost, woody material and tree stumps. Scoop supplied filled level is approx. 40 grams. Dissolve one scoop into 1 litre of water and spray generously over compost. Use a Trigger sprayer for this use.  You can Store madeup solution in dark place, shake well before reusing. Do not use this sprayer for other uses. As more compost is added spray each layer for fastest break down. Leaf fall in autumn can be sprayed also to speed up breakdown. Only spray fallen leaves as it can harm grass and other plants if sprayed. If there is woody material in compost increase the amount of  product per litre of spray.


Wallys Vaporgard 100ml
Vaporgard is used at 15mls per litre and will last up to 3 months on foliage sprayed. Stress Guard and Frost Protection are the main uses. May incur shipping costs dependent on order.  


Wally's Neem Tree Oil 20 litres
  Wallys SUPER NEEM TREE OIL Over twice the strength of Normal Neem Oils.       Normal use is 5mls of Neem Oil to 1 litre of water. 20 litres makes up 4000 litres of spray DO NOT MIX STRONGER THAN 10 ml per Litre of water.


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